Learning Community

Being a member of a professional and academic learning community requires one to understand, accept, and model an important set of community ground rules, which will be in effect throughout our entire semester together. Each of us is expected to uphold these common ground rules.

Ground Rules

  1. Respect each other as co-learners and colleagues
  2. Listen to varying perspectives … especially those that challenge your own assumptions
  3. Be thoughtful and measured when contributing to discussions (synchronous & asynchronous; oral & written; formal & informal)
  4. Help others to become successful

The Department of History at Appalachian State University is committed to supporting our students and fostering an environment that is free of bias, discrimination, and harassment, in the classroom and in the broader university community. We are a faculty that strives to model reflection, advocacy, and care for the community in order to work toward an equitable, democratic, and sustainable society. We value your participation in this process. If you feel that our courses, programs, or department fall short of this commitment, we encourage you to engage in dialogue with your instructor and/or other program faculty. Please visit https://edc.appstate.edu/equity-issues for information related to Appalachian State University’s Title IX and http://academicaffairs.appstate.edu/syllabi for the most up-to-date policies on students with special needs, academic integrity, religious observances, and student engagement with courses.
